Current Tenants

Important Notes For Our Valued Tenants

  1. Any standard maintenance request must be put in writing and turned into the office or your property manager.  Maintenance request can be submitted through the website.  Any emergency maintenance issues can be called into the office or the emergency maintenance line if it’s after hours or on the weekends.
  1. Below is a list of what is considered emergencies after hours.

Heating and Air:

If A/C filter has not been changed tenant may be charged for service call.

Air conditioning calls after 7:00pm must wait until the next morning. If the temperature (according to is not going to get over 78’ then the call will be held until regular business hours. If A/C unit is leaking it is the tenant responsibility to turn off the A/C unit until it is fixed. If water damage occurs, tenant may be held responsible.

Heating calls after 7:00pm must wait until the next morning. If the temperature (according to is going to be over 58’ then the call will be held until regular business hours.

Plumbing: If plumber determines a clogged Drain or toilet is caused by tenant, tenant will be charged for the service call. Please do your best to remedy before calling for service.

*Leaks– any plumbing leaks that can be turned off at a valve after 7:00pm must wait until the next morning. The tenant is responsible to turn off the main water valve to their unit to stop the leak. If the leak is a main water line a call must be placed to the plumber at any time of night.

*Sewage– If a toilet is clogged and it is the only toilet in the home the plumber must be called. If there is more then one toilet then the call will have to wait until the next business day. If the home has a septic tank and it is determined that the tank needs to be pumped this will be done at the discretion of the septic company.

*Water Heater– If the water heater is not working and it is after 7:00pm the call will be held until the next morning.

Water Extraction: Water extraction should not be called after 7:00pm

Appliances: No appliance is considered an after hours emergency.

Roof Leaks: Roof leaks can not be fixed in the rain or after 5:00pm

Security: If a door is kicked in or a window broken a vendor must be called at any time of night to secure unit. A police report must be turned into management or tenant will be charged for service call and damages.

Electrical: A complete electrical outage will be called into the vendor until 10:00pm only after tenant has checked with provider as to any problems. Any smaller electrical problem after 7:00pm will be held until the next morning unless in case of dire emergency “Fire or Smoke”

Down Trees:  Any down trees after 7:00pm must wait until next morning, unless tree is on and has damaged the structure of home.

Gas: If the home has City utilities the tenant must call the city to light any pilot lights. If the home is not on city utilities and it is after 5:00pm the call must wait until the next day.

If a tenant smells gas a vendor must be called out at any time. If no gas leak is found tenant may be charged for the service call.


  1. We do not provide lock out services. Tenant may call Elsassers Lock and Key at (850) 386-3390
  2. Rents are due on the 1stof the month and are late after the 5th of the month.  Any rents that are late are required to be paid in a money order or cashier check.  Late rents will not be accepted unless they include the $75.00 late fee.
  3. If for any reason you need to get out of your lease early, please contact your property manager to discuss getting approved for our release process.